Adding Facebook Share and Twitter Status updates on your mobile site

Mobile sites are very restricted in the use of Javascript since most of the mobile phones does not support Javascript at all and that was the main restriction on adding a Facebook Share or Twitter Status update to share a article or url on a mobile site.

After a lot of though and research I have found out a way to add social media features on a mobile site. The concept is simple: use the API’s url to share inside a link, but there is a drawback: is one way only deal, or by that I mean, once the user clicks on the link he will be redirected to Facebook or Twitter site and to return to yours, he will need to manually go back.

Sharing on Facebook:<urlencoded url>t=<urlencoded title>

Updating status on Twitter:<urlencoded status>

As a final note, remember that Twitter has a restriction of 140 characters, so when sharing your url you must make sure that it complies with it.

Have fun and socialize your mobile site.

About mcloide

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